Macra Shake Things Up At Ploughing

Macra na Feirme are shaking things up at the Ploughing this year. Macra have worked with the NPA to provide a youth zone at the Ploughing for the 17-35 year olds attending. Located at Row 23, Stand 401, Block 3, there will be a chill out area for Macra members, a DJ and other entertainment, farm safety demonstrations and lots more. Macra will be able to sign up members on the spot and will have special offers for new members. The affiliation fee is €25 so make sure to keep aside the best money you’ll spend. There will be exclusive services like free wifi for Macra members so remember to bring along your membership card.

On the Tuesday of Ploughing, the 22nd September, Macra will launch their calendar highlighting Positive Mental Health. Created in partnership with St Patricks Mental Health Services ‘Walk in my Shoes’ campaign, the calendar is a tongue-in-cheek look at Macra and young farmers but will raise the serious issue of protecting your mental health. The limited edition calendar will be on sale at the Ploughing for €10 and stocks are expecting to sell quickly. The Macra models will be on hand selling the calendars at the Macra stand so go along and say hello. The calendars will also be available from the Irish Farmers Journal stand and the Walk in my Shoes/ St Patricks Mental Health Services stand in the Health & Wellness area.

As usual, Macra staff will be on hand to talk young farmers and rural youth issues. Why not pop along for a chat and cup of tea?

Macra will again host their annual “Macra Ploughing Class” in association with the National Ploughing Association. County rounds have been taking place throughout the country for the last few months and those winners will be going through to the final taking place at the prestigious NPA Championships.

So go along and visit them at Row 23, Stand 401, Block 3!

Dovea Genetics

The project will begin in Spring 2015 when Dovea Genetics will purchase six young calves (six different breeds).  There will be one calf given to each of the six agricultural colleges who will monitor and feed the calf up until the 2016 National Ploughing Championships.  The calves will be present on the Dovea Genetics trade stand at the 2015 National Ploughing Championships and from this will go for a charity auction on the Wednesday afternoon of the 2016 Ploughing Championships.  The calves will be auctioned by a well known personality with all of the proceeds will go to the BOTHAR charity organisation.

Science Foundation Ireland

SFI will run a variety of interactive science shows and workshops for event goers of all age groups for example Science magic shows, microscope workshops etc.  These exciting shows an workshops are currently being developed by researchers in SFI Funded Research Centres and will include walk in and bookable events.

In addition to this we will  be promoting  the range of programmes that Science Foundation Ireland offer including:

Smart Futures (  

Smart Futures is a collaborative Government-Industry-Education programme promoting STEM careers to students in Ireland. It provides access to careers information and role

models to students, parents, guidance councillors and teachers. It aims to improve the strategic coordination and alignment of industry outreach resources and drive the uptake of students selecting STEM subjects at post -primary and third level.

Science Week

Science Week is Ireland’s biggest annual promotion of science to the general public. The week-long programme of events across Ireland each November aims to make science more interesting and accessible to children and adults alike.(       

Discover Primary Science and Maths

Discover Primary Science and Maths (DPSM) is the national programme, run by Science Foundation Ireland, to foster interest in science, technology engineering and maths amongst children in primary schools. The programme supports schools to deliver the science and maths curriculum in schools and to make it more interesting, relevant and visual for their students. Since 2010 the programme has been run in conjunction with the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) Ireland which uses space to inspire and engage young people in science and technology in the world around them. (

Sheep Shearing

Tuesday August 22nd….. Commencing at 9:30am to 4:30pm with George Graham as event organiser for Demonstrations & Shearing Programme.

Will include – Shearing Demonstrations & handling of sheep. Presentation of wool, FARM SAFETY & MENTAL HEALTH, Declan Fennell of Bord Bia covering the presentation of quality lamb. Speakers from Teagasc, IFA & Farmers Journal.

Wednesday August 23rd….. Commencing at 9:00am SHARP & FINISHING at 4:30pm

The NPA All Ireland Lamb Shearing Championships 2015 with Ivan Scott the current World Record Holder defending his Al Ireland Title .
Competitions will include: Junior, Intermediate, Hand Shearing, Senior & Open Shearing.
Presentation of prizes immediately after FINAL’S.

Thursday August 24th …… Commencing at 9:30am to 4:30pm with George Graham as  event organiser for Demonstrations & Shearing Programme.

Will include – Shearing Demonstrations & handling of sheep. Presentation of wool, FARM SAFETY & MENTAL HEALTH, Declan Fennell of Bord Bia covering the presentation of quality lamb. Speakers from Teagasc, IFA & Farmers Journal.