Renewable gas – an opportunity for Ireland to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from farming

The Renewable Gas Forum (RGFI) takes the opportunity of the first day of the National Ploughing Championships 2015 to launch officially and introduce itself to potential members.

The RGFI is a new industry forum representing the interests of all sectors involved in the renewable gas supply chain and market such as production, consumers, transportation and trading across the island of Ireland.

The interim chair of the RGFI, Mr PJ McCarthy welcomed today’s opportunity to introduce the RGFI at the National Ploughing Championships and thanked BOC Industrial Gases Ireland Limited and Gas Networks Ireland for hosting the Renewable Gas Forum at their respective stands at the ploughing championships today.

“The aim is that the Renewable Gas Forum will be the go-to forum for industry, including both consumers and producers, but also policymakers in relation to the development of a renewable gas sector in Ireland, with opportunities to reduce costs and emissions and to stimulate job creation,” said PJ McCarthy.

“We are taking the opportunity of the first day of the National Ploughing Championships to let people know that we are here and open to membership, including from the farming community and agri-food businesses,” he continued.

“Renewable gas, primarily biomethane, is a renewable, green gas and is interchangeable with compressed natural gas in the gas grid. It offers opportunities for Ireland to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from farming on the one hand and to reduce our dependency on imported fossil fuels especially for heating and cooling, but also transport and electricity,” he added.

The RGFI’s website is available from today and will be rolled out as a portal for industry in the coming months. To download a membership prospectus and membership application form, please click on the “Join” option on the RGFI website.

Winning Taste of Dairy

New to the NDC Dome at the ploughing this year is the Winning Taste of Dairy – featuring a wonderful choice of Irish dairy brands from around the country thanks to a selection of member co-ops exhibiting. This is brought to life by four free cookery demonstrations each day at the ploughing by celebrity TV chef Brian Mc Dermott (11.00am, 1.00pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm).

Brian McDermott is a resident chef on RTÉ’s Today Show, has presented his own weekly cookery slot on BBC Radio Foyle and is a regular contributor to many national events and press titles. He has been cooking professionally for over 25 years and also runs his own cookery school in Moville, Inishowen, Co. Donegal.

Brian is passionate about using local produce and cooking ‘honest’ food with no hidden ingredients. “I let the ingredients speak for themselves by using herbs and spices that complement, but don’t overshadow the main dish,” says Brian. The cookery demonstrations will showcase the diversity, flavours and goodness of dairy and include recipes for hand held soda breads with a smoothie, a lemon drizzle cake, a simple ‘One Pot’ curry and seafood chowder with porridge & cheese crusted wheaten bread.

Winning Smile

The ever popular PhotoBooth returns to the NDC Dome with a chance to win prizes each day of the Ploughing. You can also test your football skills in an interactive penalty shoot-out zone where there is the opportunity each day to win some spot prizes.

Ploughing Day 2 & Day 3

Ten times All-Ireland hurling champion Henry Shefflin will be with the National Dairy Council on Wednesday 23rd September from 10am until 1pm.

Henry Shefflin will be presenting the national award for our top dairy farmer in October and at the ploughing will celebrate the announcement of the 13 national finalists for the NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards.

Nutrition & You

Broadcaster and designer Brendan Courtney joins the National Dairy Council at the National Ploughing Championships on Day 3, Thursday 24th September from 12 noon until 3.00pm. He will highlight the expansion of the range of consumer leaflets on ‘Nutrition & You’ from the NDC which are endorsed by the INDI (Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute. The series now features nutritional information tailored for children, for adults and for the 50+ age group.

You can find out more at or . You can also follow the National Dairy Council on Facebook/NDCIreland or Twitter @NDC_ie

Ploughing 2015: Win With Dairy at National Dairy Council Dome

Stand location: Block 2, Row 24, Stand 410 #NDCDome #WinWithDairy

Former Rugby International Alan Quinlan is with the National Dairy Council on Day 1 of the National Ploughing Championships (Tuesday 22nd September 2015) from 11.00am-2.30pm. He will help to highlight the NDC’s new ‘Win With Dairy,’ national campaign this Autumn which celebrates the positive role that milk can play as part of a balanced diet in sports nutrition, at whatever level you play or enjoy sports. ‘Win With Dairy’ is part of a nutrition-led strategy which embraces the versatile role of dairy throughout our life-stages.

Rugby World Cup Latest in Live Link to Ploughing

On the first day of the ploughing visitors to the NDC Dome can get the latest insights and news into what’s happening at the Rugby World Cup when Alan Quinlan connects for a live interview with Michael Corcoran, RTÉ Radio Rugby Commentator, direct from the Rugby World Cup media HQ. It is scheduled for 12.45pm (check time in NDC Dome, schedule may be subject to minor time change). The NDC has taken exclusive sponsorship of RTÉ Radio One & RTÉ 2FM’s Rugby World Cup coverage, as part of its campaign, supported by ‘Win With Dairy’ radio and television advertising, with branding extending to televised highlights of the matches.

NDC Chief Executive Zoë Kavanagh extended best wishes to Rob and Dave Kearney who have been ambassadors to the National Dairy Council since the start of 2014. “They grew up on a farm in Co. Louth and have been superb role models, resonating with people of all ages. The Win With Dairy Autumn marketing campaign builds on our association with the Kearney brothers and the work they have been doing to help us promote the benefits of dairy as part of a balanced diet,” said Ms. Kavanagh.

“Taking part in sport or exercise at any level is a popular way to keep active and a great way to develop an enjoyable life-long habit which can offer many benefits to our health,” said Alan Quinlan.

“Following a healthy, balanced diet is important for all of us and is also essential for any athlete regardless of what sport or competitive level they are involved in. Smart recovery after intense exercise or sport, such as rehydrating and refuelling well, is vital to ensure you perform at your best during the next match or exercise session,” said Alan Quinlan. “Given the natural mix of nutrients in milk, its affordability and accessibility, it’s not surprising that there is growing research pointing to the positive role that milk can play in sports nutrition.”

Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government will be at National Ploughing Championships

The Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government is happy to announce that, for the first time, it will have a corporate presence this week at the National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska, Co Laois.

In the Department’s tent will be officials from our Community Section and agencies who will be happy to answer questions about the Department’s LEADER, Tidy Towns, SICAP, CEDRA and Pobal programmes.

Met Eireann will also be present along with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fire Safety,, the Western Development Commission (WDC), Irish Water Safety (IWS), Rural Recreation as well as officials from the Department’s Environment Section.

Throughout the event, Ministers Alan Kelly, Paudie Coffey and Ann Phelan  will be in attendance at various times and will be making a series of announcements. The times of these announcements will be notified on our Twitter account, @EnvironPress.

The Department is very much looking forward to the Championships and the opportunity to showcase some of its work. We can be found at site 446, Row 26.