The best just got better …  Smoother milking with Dairymaster Rotaglide!

Dairymaster’s Swiftflo revolver rotary continues to be leading the market in terms innovation and the best has just got better by introducingDairymaster Rotaglide.

Rotaglide is an advanced rotary platform table roller system, which carries rotary equipment and facilitates the smooth rotating movement of the plant during milking with minimal energy consumption.

The Dairymaster Rotaglide wheels carry several tonne at a time. The dynamic load bearing system evenly distributes the load regardless of the weight on the platform, similar to the suspension system in a car. The benefitsare less maintenance, lower energy costs driving the platform and better reliability.

Additionally, there is less time spent aligning wheels with this system resulting in a better installation and less maintenance because it is lubricated for life.

This new innovation is a must-have for any forward-thinking dairy farmer considering a new rotary parlour. It reduces maintenance, improves cow comfort and helps your rotary parlour last much longer.

Visit Dairymasterat the National Ploughing Championships Stand 256, Row 11, Block 2for more information about Dairymaster Rotaglide.

Papal photo ops and a plethora of pens at The Messenger and Re:link stand


The Sacred Heart Messenger and Re:linkstand has plenty to offer visitors, from pupils to pensioners, at this year’s National Ploughing Championships, which takes place in Screggan, Co Offaly from September 19 to 21.

Secondary school students and teachers are invited to visit the Re:linkstand to get some great resources for RE class. Visitors can also speak with the many Jesuit priests present, grab some goodies or avail of the opportunity to take a ‘selfie’ with a life-size cut out of Pope Francis!

January 2018 will mark the 130th anniversary of the publication of The Messenger magazine.  It still sells more copies than almost any other Irish monthly and has been part of Irish family life for generations. This special landmark underscores the cherished relationship that the magazine has with its readers and wider Irish society. At our stand, visitors can pick up the September issue for free.

We will be located in the Jesuits in Ireland marquee, among several other Jesuit organisations: Peter McVerry Trust; Jesuit Mission Office; Jesuit Refugee Centre; Jesuit Centre for Faith & Justice; Sacred Space; Manresa Centre for Spirituality; and Pioneer and Total Abstinence Association.

The Cross of Blessed John Sullivan SJ, who was beatified in May this year, will be on display in an oratoryin the Jesuits in Ireland marquee. Visitors are welcome to come and pray and to receive a blessing. The popular title A Man Sent by God: Blessed John Sullivan SJ by former Messenger Editor John Looby SJ will also be available to purchase from the Ignatian Bookshop which will be situated in the marquee. Popular titles and new releases from Messenger Publications, including the Father Browne Collection, and religious and spiritual books will be available.


Our Site Number is Block: 4 Row: 38 Stand: 762

We look forward to seeing you there. Just look out for Pope Francis!


For more information or to organise an interview please contact Caitríona Maher on

01-7758523/ 0852759606 or email

Irish Skin Foundation Experts at NPC 2017

Do you have questions about your skin? The Irish Skin Foundation dermatology team will be on hand this September at the National Ploughing Championships to answer all your skin related questions. The dermatology Clinical nurse specialists will be offering guidance, advice and information as well as providing free one-to-one consultations throughout the three day festival.

The ISF works to improve quality of life for people with skin conditions by providing support and information on how to manage conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne and many others. They remind us of the dangers of the sun for outdoor workers, how to protect our skin from sun damage and importantly, what to look out for when checking your skin for warning signs of possible sun damage or skin cancers.

You can find the ISF team each day at the Dunamaise & Nore – Health & Wellness Marquee (Block: No 2, Row No: 29, Stand No: 644, Unit: 2)

For more information please check out<>