Dairymaster Launch Rotaglide for Smoother Milking with Rotary Parlours

Dairymaster are the market leaders in Ireland for dairy equipment and export their extensive range to markets in over 40 countries. They have won numerous awards (see attached pdf) for their innovative milking systems and herd health and fertility software at Agri shows around the world.

Rotary milking parlours are used by large herds worldwide so the R & D scientists at Dairymaster have been working with great success making further improvements to this popular milking system.

The Dairymaster Rotaglide system which will be launched at the Irish National Ploughing Championship carries the rotary equipment and facilitates the smooth rotating movement of the plant during milking with minimal energy consumption.

This system operates similarly to the suspension system in a car, improving how loads are transferred from the rotary platform to the support structures below. The benefit for the end-user is less maintenance and better reliability.

Easier Installation, Energy Saving & Lubricated for Life

 Each roller is fully adjustable at installation to take account for differences in concrete heights during construction which means that less time is spent aligning wheels and results in a better installation.

The dynamic load bearing system evenly distributes the load regardless of the weight on the platform therefore the rotary plant requires less force from the rotary track electrical drives to start rotating the plant for milking, reducing the energy required when milking and less wear and tear.

Less friction on the track means reduced wear and tear resulting in a longer lifespan for both the rollers and the rotary track compared to current conventional systems on the market. The fact this system is lubricated for life means there is less maintenance.


For further information please contact Mary Mulvihill, Marketing Dept., mmulvihill@dairymaster.com Tel: +353 87 9328832. More information on Dairymaster is available on their website at

www.dairymaster.com , on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/dairymaster , on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/dairymaster and on Twitter at


Uganda Agri-Business fact finding delegation visit Ireland lead by the Ugandan Minister for Agriculture, Animal and Fisheries, Mr. Vincent Ssempijja

The Ugandan Honorary Consul to Ireland is delighted to announce that the Agriculture Minister, Mr. Vincent Ssempijja is leading a delegation of 22 Agri-Business Farmers to visit The National Ploughing Championship on Wednesday 20th of September.

With their fact finding mission the Ugandan farmers hope to learn from Irish farmers how they have managed farming growth and development. They too are looking for farmers who may be interested in partnering with Ugandan Farmers in diverse areas of agri-business, such as, Dairy farming, mushroom and Pumpkin growing, poultry and vegetable growing as well as the Agri-business technology sector. The delegation will visit different Agri-Businesses in Ireland.

In Uganda over 80% of the population are employed in Agriculture. This accounts for an estimated 42% of gross domestic product (GDP) (FAO, 2012). Although agriculture is the main source of people’s income, most farmers are not engaged in meaningful commercial farming. The persistent challenges of the sector include low productivity; weak and unskilled agri-enterprises and low import-export balance emanating from low and poor quality agri-products, inadequate access to tailored agri-product and service premium markets, low agribusiness competitiveness, less input and financial credit, low improved technology at all levels of the commodities value chain, and less employed manpower. The major technologies hindering agricultural and agribusiness development include low production and agro-processing mechanization, and absence of relevant ICT to boost the agribusiness value chains.

This fact finding mission hopes to find solutions that will be affordable and practical strategies in addressing the agribusiness constraints impacting on productivity, skilled enterprises and import-export equilibriums by tapping synergies, comparative advantages, and system’s approach for the mutual benefits of Ireland and Ugandan economies.

OBE Waste & Agri promotes safer spreading on slopes at the Irish National Ploughing Championships

OBE Waste & Agri Engineering Ltd will be promoting how its low centre gravity tankers are safer for spreading slurry on slopes at this year’s National Ploughing Championships.

This will be the second year OBE Waste & Agri is exhibiting at the Irish National Ploughing Championshipsin Screggan, Tullamore, County Offaly from 19 to 21 September 2017.

Darryl Hylands, Managing Director at OBE Waste & Agri said: “We’ll have some of our core products on display including ourinnovative Slurry-TEK low centre gravity slurry tanker which has been designed to improve safety when spreading on hilly ground.We are the sole manufacturer of this unique tanker in the UK and Ireland and our design involves placing the axle through the tank allowing the centre of gravity to be shifted to a point lower than on a conventional tanker.This reduces the risk of the tanker overturning and makes it safer for spreading on slopes.We’re looking forward to returning to the Ploughing Championships. It’s a great event and the perfect opportunity for us to catch up with our customers, visitors and other exhibitors.”

Visitors will be able to see some of OBE’s most popular products including Slurry-TEK low centre gravity tankers.

Based in Donacloney, County Armagh, OBE Waste & Agri Engineering Ltd manufactures OBE Agri trailers, Slurry-TEK tankers and slurry handling equipment, and Masterburn waste incinerators.

Visit OBE Waste & Agri Engineering Ltd at Block 3 Row 20 Stand 454.

For more information about OBE Waste & Agri Engineering Ltd, go towww.obewasteandagri.com