EcoPods launch their high-quality alternative to a permanent build at The National Ploughing Championship

EcoPods are a new Irish company, who in advance of their national launch are bringing their new product to the National Ploughing Championship on 17-19 September in Ballintrane, Fenagh, Co Carlow. This will be an opportunity for visitors to tour two EcoPods – one set up as a living space and one as a working space – and speak to the experts.

EcoPods have worked with a German manufacturer to develop and create high-quality and energy efficient pods which are specially designed for the Irish market, climate and people. The premium self-contained living spaces are an alternative to a permanent build – with a 30 year structural guarantee, these pods are the perfect accommodation solution. The pods come with a high spec kitchenette and shower room installed and are low/no maintenance – and arrive ready for furnishing making them an incredibly flexible option. Ecopods work as single pods or as a cluster development.

Speaking in advance of the National Ploughing Championships, Dave Skelton, General Manager at EcoPods said, ‘We are delighted to be bringing EcoPods to the Irish market, we developed this product for people and businesses who want to expand their living or work space but don’t want to undertake a potentially costly, disruptive and time consuming construction project. EcoPods are the ideal solution as they don’t require complex foundations, they are low maintenance, energy efficient, arrive ready to furnish and move in and importantly represent good value as a low cost solution to a permanent build’.

‘With well over 200,000 due to attend the National Ploughing Championship it is the ideal place to showcaseEcoPods. The beauty of the EcoPods is that they are incredibly versatile – so if you have an need for some extra living or working space then come to Stand 579 Block 4 Row 25 and see how EcoPods could be the perfect solution to your need for space’.

For more information about EcoPods see

Electric Scooters at Ploughing for the first time

As this is our 1st time exhibiting at the Plough championship we have an amazing giveaway for the attendees to take part in.

You might have seen a lot of coverage about the legality of electric scooters on the news lately, Minister Ross recently announced a Public Consultation Process to decide if electric scooters (now classed as PPT’s) should be legalized or not.

So we are going to be giving away one of the top models of electric scooters The E-TWOW BOOSTER V (Value €1100) and all you have to do to win is send a positive submission to that PPT’s are permitted in Ireland.

We will announce the winner on Saturday evening at 6 pm after the event via our social media channels.

Blacksmith Demonstrations in the Vintage Area

I am on stand 133 by the vintage area this year. I will be doing Blacksmith demonstrations and have some pieces on display.
My primary focus is to keep my craft alive. In Ireland we have a very rich history of forged heritage ironwork, most noticeably around churches and buildings of historical interest.
I am always received very well by the farming community as there would have been a strong affiliation between the blacksmith and farmer in the past.
This year I will focus on doing workshops, to give people a hands on experience and a piece to take away with them. I’m open to all ages and I will just ask a nominal fee to cover my costs.
Please feel free to come and visit my stand/forge.

Glendun Plant Sales Limited first time ever at Ploughing

Glendun Plant Sales Limited, Dungannon, Co Tyrone, are dipping their toe in the water with their first ever appearance at a NPA event. Director of Sales and Marketing Dermot Cunnie commented : We visited the show last year at Tullamore and were very impressed not only with the footfall but with the range of exhibitors present and the excellent setup and logistics in place. We made a decision after 10 minutes that we would apply to exhibit in 2019. As main Irish dealers for Niftylift, Skyjack, TRIME, MHM and Coveya, the NPA gives us a first class event to showcase a range of equipment from the global brands we represent throughout Ireland. We are very excited about appearing and we look forward to meeting old and new customers with some special manufacturer support available on our products.”