Dairymaster’s Swiftflo revolver rotary continues to be leading the market in terms innovation and the best has just got better by introducingDairymaster Rotaglide.
Rotaglide is an advanced rotary platform table roller system, which carries rotary equipment and facilitates the smooth rotating movement of the plant during milking with minimal energy consumption.
The Dairymaster Rotaglide wheels carry several tonne at a time. The dynamic load bearing system evenly distributes the load regardless of the weight on the platform, similar to the suspension system in a car. The benefitsare less maintenance, lower energy costs driving the platform and better reliability.
Additionally, there is less time spent aligning wheels with this system resulting in a better installation and less maintenance because it is lubricated for life.
This new innovation is a must-have for any forward-thinking dairy farmer considering a new rotary parlour. It reduces maintenance, improves cow comfort and helps your rotary parlour last much longer.
Visit Dairymasterat the National Ploughing Championships Stand 256, Row 11, Block 2for more information about Dairymaster Rotaglide.