“All knickers and fur” at Kiwi Country Clothing

Kiwi Country Clothing will be providing customers with fantastic New Zealand cold and wet weather clothing… best farm oilskins available in Ireland

From possum fur insoles for farmer’s wellies, to handmade Freddie Adams underwear, Liz McGuinness will kit you out from head to toe… literally!

And you will get a free fitting for your Freddie Adams.

Liz has decided to gift a pair of freddies to anyone who buys an Outback overcoat.

Anyone who visited her shop at the NPA last year will be well aware of the great fun and frolics associated with Ms McGuinness… Fast wit and great service to match the outstanding product range.

And for the ladies; The stunning range of possum merino and possum fur accessories, smart tailored rain proof jackets.

New this season is the premium range of possum fur boots, and Canterbury Sheepskin shoes boots and slippers.

Kiwi Country Clothing also provide solutions for diabetes, raynaud’s and stoma clients.

See them near Entrance 6; Block No. 2 Row No 43 Stand No 719


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