Safely Storing Feed

At this year’s National Ploughing Championships the McAree team will be displaying their full range of meal silos and tote bins. They have joined forces with Lely using one of their wide 1.5 tonne tote bins to store feed for the dairy cows and deliver it while cows are being milked with an auger to the Lely robot.

Safely storing animal feed is an ongoing concern for farmers in the Bord Bia Quality Assurance scheme or other QA programmes. They have to keep feed safe, secure and free from contaminants. It also makes good economic sense to protect valuable animal feed from vermin and spoilage. McAree Engineering has been helping farmers to protect their feed since the 1960’s when Vincent McAree designed and manufactured the very first V-Mac feed silo.


That legacy lives on to today with the 3rd generation of McAree’s continuing to design and manufacture feed storage solutions.

For more information contact McAree Enginering + 353 (0) 47 79000.

Tel: Peter Richardson, Sales & Marketing Manager (+ 353 (0) 872584584) or Email: More info also on their range of market leading feed silos, tote bins etc can be seen on YouTube at

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